Giles Smith è un regista e scrittore. Ha lavorato nel teatro e nel cinema. Al National Theatre di Londra ha lavorato con: Trevor Nunn, Richard Eyre, Howard Davies, Vanessa Redgrave, Eileen Atkins, Paul Scofield, Judy Dench e Patrick Marber in “Closer”.

Ha diretto Amleto, La Tempesta, Misura per misura, La dodicesima notte, i sonetti di Shakespeare al teatro Grotowski, Wroclaw, La Conferenza degli Uccelli, Signora Dalloway, un lavoro multidisciplinare basato sul libro di Virginia Woolf. Nel 2012 il suo spettacolo “In the Forest” è stato invitato a New York. Ha scritto la sceneggiatura di “The Unloved” basato sul romanzo di Arnost Lustig con lo stesso nome. Arnost Lustig era un sopravvissuto di Auschwitz ed è stato nominato per Pulitzer e Man Booker. Giles Smith ha fatto regia nel Regno Unito, negli Stati Uniti, al Guildhall, al Mountview e al Manchester Schools of theatre, la scuola europea per l’arte dell’attore, i cui partner collaborativi includono: The Guildhall; l’Accademia Russa di Drammatico, Mosca; ENSATT, Lione; ACT San Francisco; l’Ecole du Théâtre National, Strasburgo; INSAS, Bruxelles e la Hochschule für Musik und Theater HfMT, Amburgo.

Per 10 anni è stato direttore artistico del j33tre European Theatre Ensemble, responsabile dello sviluppo, della produzione e della direzione artistica della compagnia, dirigendo rappresentazioni teatrali e workshop in tutta Italia, in Europa e negli Stati Uniti. Nel 2017 scene del suo nuovo spettacolo “Colour in the Darkness” sono state mostrate alla National Portrait Gallery, Londra, con l’attrice nominato al Premio Olivier Ann Mitchell.


Giles Smith is a director and writer. He has worked in theatre and film. At Britain’s National Theatre he worked with: Trevor Nunn, Richard Eyre, Howard Davies, Vanessa Redgrave, Eileen Atkins, Paul Scofield, Judy Dench and Patrick Marber on “Closer.”

He has directed new and classical plays, adaptations and educational projects, including Hamlet, The Tempest, Measure for Measure, Twelfth Night, Shakespeare’s sonnets at The Grotowski theatre, Wroclaw, The Conference of The Birds and a multi disciplinary work based on Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway. In 2012 his play “In the Forest” was invited to New York for the PAM international festival. He wrote the screenplay for “The Unloved” based on the Arnost Lustig novel of the same name. Arnost Lustig was an Auschwitz survivor and was nominated for the Pulitzer and Man Booker. He’s directed in the UK, the US, at the Guildhall, Mountview and the Manchester Schools of theatre, the European school for the art of the actor, whose collaborating partners include: the Guildhall; the Russian Academy of Drama, Moscow; ENSATT­, Lyon; ACT San Francisco; the Ecole du Theatre National, Strasbourg; INSAS, Bruxelles and the Hochschule für Musik und Theater HfMT, Hamburg .

For 10 years he was artistic director of j33tre European Theatre Ensemble, responsible for the development, production and direction of the company’s artistic output, directing plays and workshops across Italy, wider Europe and the US. In 2017 scenes from his new play Colour in the Darkness where shown at the National Portrait Gallery, London. The company included Ann Mitchell and Ian Reddington.