Open Call
To the second edition of the UWE Festival
From 25 to 28 May 2017 UWE – der Festival will return to the
Theaterakademie August Everding in Munich!
UWE – an Unbelievably Wild Event!
UWE – Uplifting, Welcoming, Eccentric!
UWE – U Will Explode!
Uwe is going on his second adventure and we, the students of the Theaterakademie August Everding, will accompany him. Uwe stands for maximum free space, offers a platform for theatre students with professional aspirations and promotes discourse.
Uwe is turning one, and continues exploring the world of theatre. He does not yet understand everything, but he´s happily babbling and colouring our programmes. There are still a lot of empty pages waiting to be filled with your productions.
Uwe wants to get to know you, so come visit us! Show us what moves you, what you are working on, what you believe in.
Best regards and lots of love, Uwe and his team
Who can participate?
We´re inviting student theatre productions from other theatre schools of German-speakingcountries and all of Europe. Whether it is a production for school or your own work, whether
it is an opera, a musical, a performance, a puppet show, a play or a dance. Every shape and form of theatre is welcome!
What do we offer?
– The chance to show your production to other students and to the public of Munich and to engage in an (artistic) exchange of ideas;
– Different professionally equipped spaces that fit up to 30, 80, 100 and 250 viewers;
– A diverse programme consisting not only of theatrical productions, but workshops, discussion panels and parties;
– Accommodation for everyone who doesn´t have a private place to stay at in Munich;
– Dedicated students of cultural criticism who will report about your productions in the form of videos, on social networks and through fun and performances;
– Support from our technical department with the mounting and dismounting of your equipment;
– We can´t offer any payment, but we will cover your travel expenses up to a certain sum.
Please talk to your schools about financing your guest performance.
The deadline to send in your applications is the 21st of January 2017
Your application should include:
– A concise and informative description of your production
– Short biographies of all participants
– If possible photos and/or videos (a link will suffice)
– Information about the duration of your production
– A detailed technical rider with specifications about your sound, video and lighting concept.
Please list all of your technical requirements.
– A rough calculation of your travel expenses
If your production requires more than an hour to mount and dismount we can´t take it into consideration.
Please send only PDF-versions of your applications to the following e-mail:
Please send only PDF-versions of your applications to the following e-mail:
The selected productions will be notified by the end of February. Any recourse through thecourts of law is excluded.
Questions and suggestions:
Write UWE an e-mail:
Visit his Facebook page:
More information on his homepage: