Third edition of a Mediterranean Film Festival on Migration and Human Rights.
Cosenza (Italy): 15th-19th October 2019
MyART is a Mediterranean Film Festival on Migration and Human Rights. In the heart of the Mediterranean (Cosenza, Calabria), we create space for alternative storytelling and debates. We showcase independent, high-quality film and documentary productions and organize a number of events before, during, and after the festival.
This year, we turn the spotlight also on women and girls. We want to discuss violations of their basic human rights and shed light on all sorts of gender-based discrimination. At the same time, we aim to tell stories of women as change agents, of empowerment and freedom.
The Mediterranean Sea as the cradle of civilization has always been connecting, rather than dividing people. In this tradition, we are a platform for exchange between films, filmmakers and the audience, NGOs and activists from all countries bordering the Mediterranean.
Films and videos that can participate in the competition sections trailers preferably in Italian are those produced after 1st January 2017.
The program of the Festival is subdivided into the following cinematographic sections with the presentation of the following prizes*:
Documentary Competition
Documentary films created by directors of the nationalities admitted to the competition (minimum duration 50 min.) On themes relating to immigration, integration and cross-cultural exchange in Mediterranean Counties. Best documentary will be awarded a “Sprar Prize”. The monetary value of the award will be determined over the next few months (in past editions was 3500 euros). The award Institute acquires the rights to use the work for non-commercial promotional activities.
Short Film Competition
Short fiction films created by directors of the nationalities admitted to the competition (maximum duration 30 min). On themes relating to immigration, integration, and cross-cultural exchange in Mediterranean Counties. Best short film will be awarded a “Migrantes Prize”. The monetary value of the award will be determined over the next few months (in past editions was 1500 euros). The award Institute acquires the rights to use the work for non-commercial promotional activities.
Non-Competitive Section
Trailers that present the recent work of established directors, critically-acclaimed films, films that have won prizes in major international festivals, the best of contemporary cinema that narrates and interprets reality on the themes relating to immigration, integration and cross-cultural exchange. The possible projection of the films submitted in the Non competitive section, will be decided at the incontestable discretion of the Stage Management.
The Festival devotes particular attention to young people and to students with a School Space: special screenings, a panel of young judges, meetings with directors and training seminars.
To register your film in the festival it is necessary to submit the entry form at link:
and to send the film in its original language (subtitled in Italian or English) in Blu-ray disk format or by emailing an mp4 file, h264 file, or download link (Vimeo or Google Drive) to the following email address: with user and password, following the procedure indicated in the entry form, before 31th July 2019.
The Registration Fee is € 15,00. Fees for multiple subscriptions: 10 euros for each additional work.
* For each edition, the management reserves the right to confirm or modify the prizes and their monetary value during the organization phase. The prizes are awarded by juries specially made up by the Artistic Direction.
MyART International Film Festival
Press Office
Tel. +39.329.2771886