Presented on the Ministerial platform on July 10, 2024, the Doctoral Program “The Theatre of Reality – performing arts and new media” obtained the favorable judgement of ANVUR and the MUR on August 2, 2024 and was activated on same date by Directorial Decree.
The Call for Applications can be found at the following link:
Call for Applications-PHD
The application deadline is September 2, at 16:00 (4 p.m.).
The interview will be held on September 17, 2024, at the main headquarters of the Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica, or in another location that will be duly communicated to the candidates.
The Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica ‘Silvio d’Amico’ will lead the Doctoral program, “The Theatre of Reality – performing arts and new media” in association with the Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti di Torino and the Accademia di Belle Arti di Sassari “Mario Sironi”, the Teatro di Roma – National Theatre, the Teatro Stabile di Torino, the Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria and the Ente Concerti ‘Marialisa De Carolis’ with coverage of five fellowships, four of which are PNRR, and one guaranteed by the budget of the Accademia Silvio d’Amico, for the three-year period 2024-27 of the Third-Level Instructional Cycle XL.
The coordinator of the program is Professor Francesco Manetti
The Doctoral College consists of faculty of the Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica ‘Silvio d’Amico’, and the associated AFAM institutions, as well as be expert representatives from the partner enterprises, including Luca de Fusco, Filippo Fonsatti, and Nino Marino.
For further information please contact
The web page is under construction. All updates will be posted here.
Program Objectives
The broad theme chosen -The Theatre of the Real – is a hope and an invitation for the Theatre to ask and to address the fundamental questions, as always and once again – just as the polis did through tragedy and comedy in Pericles’ 5th century B.C. Athens – about reality, the present, forms of sharing and confrontation, the principle of democracy, the fundamental issues of individual freedom, thought and speech, and self-determination (end of life, abortion, etc.), on the concept of gender; on the right to work and on the exploitation of the unprotected; on the environmental and systemic crisis, with its effects on populations and cultures; on racism and waves of migration, which are and will be the reality of our present and future.
It is, therefore, the aim of the doctorate to reinvigorate models of artistic conception, creation, research and production, the heart of the activity of all AFAM institutions, through the development of practice-led research, practice-based research, and artistic research methodologies.
In this context, the PhD also intends to foster paths of internationalization of arts research in order to introduce doctoral students to a multidisciplinary community of researchers, practitioners, artists and scholars in various artistic fields. Therefore, international mobility (such as dissertation co-direction, international internships, residency and training projects abroad) will be encouraged so as to promote wider dissemination of research, enabling exchange and dialogue both nationally and internationally.
The Doctoral Dissertation
The doctoral project shall̀ present artistic research that can contribute to the advancement of knowledge and methodologies in the Program’s field of investigation. Consistent with the practice-based typology of this doctoral program, with particular reference to its Anglo-Saxon and French declinations, the dissertation should present the outcomes of the research and consist of one or more artistic, design and performance products, and/or the documentation of the same, accompanied by a text specifying their methodologies, scientific process, bibliographical and artistic references, and contribution in terms of innovation and originality, written in Italian or English.
Both types of products, i.e., the artistic-performative project product and the written product, are equally considered research products and therefore will be the subject of the final evaluation.
Employment and Professional Outlets
The Theatre of Reality – performing arts and new media Ph.D. aims to train highly-qualified professionals with specific skills in artistic creation, including through the use of digital media, suitable both for a professional career in the national and international arena, and for inclusion in the theatrical, film, and multimedia production system represented by partner companies.
The path implemented in the three-year doctoral program, through practice in the performing arts and new media and through “recherche création,” aims to develop various skills in the different fields of performance creation (dramaturgy, directing, visual and digital arts, set design, costume design, sound design, etc.) apt for collaborating on the development of artistic investigation and creation that makes its own of methodologies such as practice-led research, practice-based research, and research through arts. The doctoral track, moreover, provides instruction for researchers who will continue and deepen the scope of their studies and practice in arts institutions for a future teaching career.
Finally, the close and constant collaboration between the AFAM Institutions, the doctoral students, and the enterprises involved, among the most important Italian production, organization, and distribution companies, will certainly favor the establishment of lasting relationships – even in the more recent forms of ‘associate’ or ‘resident’ artists – between the doctoral students and the foundations and institutions themselves.